Congratulations to Andrea Brown! Her love of discovery guides the outstanding work that she does with her students each day. As a mother, she understands the challenges facing children and parents. This awareness guides her classroom approach and interactions with families. She has empathy and compassion for all people and that is reflected in her caring nature. Combining a strong educational background, with her religious values, she is a teacher who leads her class with love and affirmation. She is a perfect person for helping young minds grow in a positive and successful manner. While in her classroom, students are encouraged to be creative, engaged, and excited about education. The pleasure she finds as an educator is evident in her smile, positive outlook, and supportive nature. Mrs. Brown truly cares. She cares about her student’s health, joy, learning, and their ability to build connections to others. Each day, she assists children with the development of a solid, immersive and informed learning foundation, which will support them for their entire life. Combining a lifetime of learning, with her classroom experience and educational background, Mrs. Brown is a role model to other educators. The example she sets makes it clear why she is a Big Sky Bright Lights Outstanding Educator for 2023.